17:09 PM

Why Taste is So Important to Us

Sweegen's Taste Blazers Commitment to Creating Deliciously Uplifting Tastes in a Healthy Way


Do you remember the taste of your favorite Thanksgiving dish growing up? Or the taste of mom’s pancakes on Sunday mornings? What about hot chocolate with marshmallows floating to the top during the winter months?  

Some of our most special moments are defined by what we were tasting at the time. Have you ever wondered why? 

Studies have shown there is a direct connection between taste and perception of time and place, also known as memory. The same part of our brains that is responsible for storing long-term memories, the hippocampus, has a strong connection with parts of our brain responsible for our digestive system and smell and sentiment. This means memories are often enhanced with food because taste and memory are relative within our brains.  

The pandemic has left enormous imprints within our psyches. It had made people reach for things they feel they have control over such as what they taste. Not only that, but consumers are longing to taste things that feel familiar and have brought feelings of comfort and safety to them in the past.   

During these unpredictable times, rediscovering comfort in food has become more important than ever. As Sweegen Taste Blazers, we are committed to creating deliciously uplifting tastes in a healthy way.  

We know comfort food does not need to be synonymous with unhealthy food. Indulgences can also be good for you and that is why we have made it our mission to make healthy stuff taste great.  

We not only eliminate added sugars from products, we push the limits to make sugar-reduced foods and beverages taste as good as possible. Taste Blazers have a passion for recreating memorable tastes, complete with flavorful characteristics but without any of the guilt.  

Partner with our global product development team of Taste Blazers to combine wellness with comfort to formulate delicious foods and beverages – Inspired by the past and created for the future with Sweegen’s pioneering ingredient technologies. For Today. And Tomorrow.