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Nature Based
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Label Friendly
According to International Food Information Council Foundation’s
(IFIC) 2020 Food & Health Survey:

74% of consumers are cleaning up their beverage selection by limiting and avoiding sugars in the diet.

6 out of 10 drink water instead of caloric beverages contributing to boom in selection of sparkling and still flavored waters

No doubt about it, consumers are craving change. How will you meet the moment?

Low and no sugar beverages are challenging to develop. That’s why we’ve created a Beverage Center of Excellence to help our clients get over the taste hurdles that prevent them from reaching their goals.
Clean label, better-for-you beverages are easier to create with our Signature Stevia ingredients and our toolkit of Taste Modulators. For the health-conscious consumer, our ingredient technologies meet the market demand for improved taste, healthier choices and cleaner, simpler ingredients.
From 20% to 100% reduction in sugar, we have you covered. Bring out your inner Taste Blazer with Sweegen’s Beverage Portfolio.
We offer ready-to-use, better-for-you solutions including:

Beverage e+
Bestevia® e+ Stevia Sweetener is created with a taste profile closer to sugar, clean label, high solubility, heat stable and no aftertaste for sugar reduced beverages.

Juice e+
Bestevia® Taste Solution with e+ Stevia Sweetener features our proprietary natural flavor technology to deliver authentic sweetness and the superb mouthfeel associated with full sugar juice beverages. And did we mention, there’s no bitter aftertaste.

CSD e+
Bestevia® Taste Solution with e+ Stevia Sweetener is formulated with our proprietary natural flavor technology to deliver a sweetness profile closer to sugar for sugar-reduced carbonated beverages with no sacrifices.

Energy e+
Bestevia® Taste Solution with e+ Stevia Sweetener with our proprietary natural flavor technology delivers a sustained sweetness profile and subtle masking properties for nourishing, closer-to-sugar high-energy drinks and beverages formulated with functional ingredients such as vitamins, minerals and caffeine.

Spirits e+
Bestevia® Taste Solution is created with a taste profile closer to sugar plus a clean label and high solubility. Of course, minus any unwanted aftertaste. The result: satisfying, sugar-reduced RTD alcoholic beverages, seltzers and cocktails.

We customize solutions with regional regulatory guidelines in mind and have Bestevia® Taste Solutions specifically for North America, Europe, LATAM and APAC.

Sweegen Beverage Concepts Check

What kind of beverages are you
interested in exploring?

Non-Alcoholic Cocktails
Alcoholic Beverages
Work with us

If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. We are your trusted partner for the highest levels of customized service and the broadest toolbox of taste solutions. You have a choice. Choose well.

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